THE CHALLENGES of preserving and promoting a historic art form and aging pasttime are many. Thankfully, the resolve of our friends and activity leaders, combined with some incredible advances in technology, are breaking down the language barriers. We are proud to present new elements of our website, and versions of our cornerstone document “Who is GSI?” that offer multilingual access. Look for extended efforts on our part to bridge the language gap – a way to better share our conunon thread of dance. Now if technology can bridge those thousand-plus-mile flight gaps from the US to…seeing our friends in-person. Maybe one day. Until then, we’re glad to log the miles and share smiles.
Everette & Virginia Curlee
Everette & Virginia Curlee have graciously spent the better part of their lives together raising two successful children, a suite of well-run and respected companies, numerous landmark buildings across the emerging landscape of Charlotte, NC and the metro area's most accredited private school. When the Curlee family crossed paths with a few good folks who invited them to square dance, and with an introduction to our historic activity, rich with fellowship and Southern culture-well–that's where the story began. Ever since, GSI has been forged with the guidance and support of family.
Tony Oxendine
Two things define Tony Oxendine's success as a square dance caller. First, he appears to have always known what he wanted to do. Secondly, he is available in an instant without hesitation, if you request his assistance or participation in any matter of square dancing-always. Third (humor us)–which likely matters most to all of you dancers-he is one of the best of all time. We can say that-because we are fortunate to have his guidance, and to have traveled around the globe sharing his talents alongside amazing and unique callers from every country and culrure. He has remained one of the most important advisers to GSI, and selflessly offered unbiased insight as we connected with every group you can GPS.
Patty Greene
Have you attended a dance where Patty was a caller? Lucky you. She is a talented caller and vocalist. But it is the work for GSI behind the scenes, for a decade or more that we would like to acknowledge. As a skilled website designer, Patty has kept GSI in touch with thousands of friends around the globe and made-possible our connections and expansion. Do you receive Square Dancing Today NEWS in electronic format? Do you download dance flyers from our site? Have you had a look to see which of your dance friends is now a Lifetime member? Thanks to (Patty, again), you can always keep up with GSI.
Randy Stimpson
A Charlotte school alumni of Kim and Berry, Randy has taken a personal interest in our favored pastime and provided a fresh face for GSI and square dancing in all aspects of image and marketing. Approaching new generations of dancers (as well as including our traditional group) with agency-level design, publications, editorial and marketing concepts-this has been a passion and pride as GSI met new and global connections. Most mailers, publications, and emails you receive have been embellished with concept and creativity that Randy-and all of us at GSI-have spent numerous hours fine-tuning in hopes of attracting just one in a new generation of dancers.